July 23, 2007

  • South Africa Update #5


        It has been a while since the last entry as the
    internet (or electricity) has been unavailable for the
    last week and a half. On leaving Johannesburg, our
    next stop was Ombimbini. This was a very rural place
    up in the mountains without running water or
    electricity. It was good to bring along our friend
    Captain Fuphe from our first weekend here in Vryheid
    to stay with us and help out as we prepared for the
    Y-Connexion (youth councils) which was to be held at a
    school nearby. We also got to reunite with another
    familiar officer, Captain Mabada. In addition to being
    in charge of two corps in Ombimbini, Captain Mabada is
    also the DYS for Northern Kwazulu-Natal. This stop was
    different because we got to do some physical tangible
    work in that we were repainting the officers quarters.
    The walls were in terrible shape with paint peeling
    and cracks that needed caulking. We spent all day
    Wednesday and most of Thursday working hard on that.
    It really looked great when we were done (the walls
    were eggshell). We spent a lot of time in prayer for
    Y-connexion and planned how the weekend would happen.
    There was concern about attendance as the teacher’s
    strike resulted in disrupted class schedules and now
    many school are in session on weekends to make up for
    lost time. As He has been all along, God was very good
    that weekend. There were somewhere around 400 young
    people there. The meetings went really well and there
    was a very powerful spirit about the whole weekend. On
    Saturday afternoon, we participated in an incredible
    tradition called ‘Isaya tafula’ (hit the table) where
    all the people in attendance brought money to the
    table and slammed it down while shouting praise
    choruses and dancing. Everyone gave something. It was
    really wonderful to see how giving can be joyful. They
    raised R3050 (about $450) for the youth department.
    Sunday morning was an incredible meeting. As usual,
    there was a lot of enthusiasm in choruses and dancing.
    The divisional band made up of young people from
    Madadeni, Nongoma and Newcastle played. Katy gave her
    testimony and Alberto gave a really great message
    about Josiah and removing idols from our lives. We had
    prepared rocks that were to remind the youth of their
    commitments to give up idols and many of them took
    them home. It was a very full weekend, but we all felt
    that God had done some really great things during it.
    Sunday afternoon, there was just a sea of familiar
    faces that we had met during our time in this division
    and I couldn’t believe how many people I was saying
    goodbye to. There were so many smiles and hugs. It all
    made me wonder what heaven will be like when you greet
    every Christian you ever met and how great a day that
    will be. I will sign off for now and pick up at our
    next location. Sala Kahle,

    USA Central South Africa Mission Team

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