July 12, 2007

  • Haiti Update #3

    It looks like we have been able to catch up on our updates.  Two in one week!

    Here’s what we’ve been up to:

    On Monday, we rode the tap-tap to Guirand again, this time for music lessons.
    Major Emmi had planned for Sarah to teach guitar to two girls and Briana to
    teach piano and timbrels simultaneously.  Fortunately, Savary, our
    translator, is very musically talented and was able to take the piano classes,
    especially because Briana hasn’t played the piano in a very long time!  Sarah’s
    class ended up containing six boys and one girl.  They all did very well, and
    the ones who knew more on the guitar were able to help the newest players.  All
    of the people in the piano class learned how to read notes in one day.  The
    timbrels picked up a timbrel drill very well and will have it down in no time!
    And to think that all of this happened before lunch!  We ate in Guirand and
    then returned to Fond-des-Negres, where we helped with several odd jobs around
    the clinic, including those never-ending photo IDs.

    Tuesday consisted of two parts:  Sarah and Savary returned to Guirand for more
    music lessons, which were again extremely successful.  This time, Sarah worked
    with the guitarists for an hour and a half, and then turned her attention to
    the piano players for the other portion of the day.

    Briana went on a mobile clinic up to L’Azile, a small town way up in the
    mountains.  The drive was ridiculous, with extremely bumpy roads and portions
    where they had to cross rivers to get there.  It was quite the Haitian
    experience.  The Army up there works well with the clinic, setting up private
    consultation rooms and then a general pharmacy that sells any medications the
    people may need.  It was a very interesting experience to share with the
    people.  (She was very fortunate, too, because the social doctor who went on
    the run with the group spoke great English, so communication was never an

    Wednesday was a very interesting day for Sarah.  She was scheduled to go on an
    immunization run with the nurses from Bethel Clinic, but they never made it to
    the ambulance.  Instead, she went on a mobile AIDS testing unit.  They were
    able to test 74 people within a matter of four hours, during which time only
    one person tested positive.

    Briana stayed at the clinic to get the IDs ready to print.  It took a lot of
    time, but they’re now ready to become actual IDs, with the vast majority of
    them complete (only a few photos are missing and Sarah is taking them today).

    Today has been another day at the clinic, making final preparations for those
    badges, taking the last pictures, and printing them off so that they will be
    ready to laminate tomorrow.

    Tomorrow will be filled with Junior Soldiers at Fond-des-Negres corps, where
    Sarah will be telling them a Bible story.  After that is timbrels with about
    fifteen girls from the corps, which will be led by Briana.  Once the morning is
    concluded there, the afternoon will be filled with laminating the over 115 ID
    badges individually!  We have our day pretty well filled tomorrow!

    God is working and is doing amazing things in Haiti!  We’re so excited to see
    how strong His presence is now, and how much He’s working on us to mold and
    change us in this time!

    Thanks for your love and prayers, as they’re greatly appreciated and needed!

    God bless!
    The Haiti Interns
    Sarah and Briana

    Haiti 1

    Haiti 2

    Haiti 3

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